Recruiting Statistics That Make You Go Hmm
1/5/2016 by julie
- On average, each corporate job opening attracts 250 resumes. Of these candidates, 4 to 6 will be called for an interview and only 1 will be offered the job.
- Top 5 biggest factors job seeks consider - 1) Salary and Compensation, 2) Career Growth Opportunities, 3) Work/Life Balance, 4) Location/Commute, 5) Company Culture
- Company website and social media remain 2 of the Top 3 channels most used for company brand promotion; nearly 75% of people say companies do not know how to promote their brand on social media
- 69% of job seeks would not take a job with a company that has a bad reputation
- 41% of Baby Boomers say you should stay with a company for at least 5 years, only 13% of Millennials agreed
B&B clients have interviewed 4 or less job seekers in over 75% of our placements (+250) over the last 2 years.
Let B&B take the guess work out of the equation and save you time. We deliver "finalists" to you and help "sell" your story to candidates. We serve as an extension of your brand and business model.