Career Networking
1/8/2018 by Bailey
Career Networking
Once upon a time, Ed Bradstreet launched Bohan & Bradstreet and was able to build his business by networking. How did he successfully network in the late eighties without the plethora of technology we utilize today? He created 2 group meetings: The Elm City Executive Forum and The 2nd Tuesday Network Group. Bringing together executive leadership from diverse backgrounds and industries in Connecticut areas businesses, Ed led the meetings to bring forth information that was useful to each member by asking all to communicate their history, challenges and successes of their businesses or civic organizations, as well as, sharing established or potential business leads. Thirty years later, these monthly meetings are still well attended as many relish the face to face connection and camaraderie in an era of the internet numbers game.
Connections, both in-person or online, are extremely important for your career.
According to Linkedin:
- 70 percent of people in 2016 were hired at a company where they had a connection.
- 80 percent of professionals consider professional networking to be important to career success.
- 35 percent of surveyed professional say that a casual conversation on LinkedIn Messaging has led to a new opportunity.
- 61 percent of professionals agree that regular online interaction with their professional network can lead to the way in to possible job opportunities.
Tips for Successful Career Networking:
- Keep building your network and stay in touch. Show interest and acknowledge special occasions.
- Follow the career progressions of your contacts as they are building their networks as well.
- Consider joining business or social groups to further your network and balance your online presence with more personal interactions.
- Help others in their career by sharing job openings or promotion opportunities. What goes around comes around.
Linkedin facts and more information can be found in this article from