How to Manage Top Talent in Your Company
Friday, December 1, 2017 by Bailey
Companies of any size that continue to achieve tactical and strategic goals employ “high potential” talent. These exceptional employees yield an impressive ROI to their employer and are typically ambitious, capable, creative, and intelligent. Attracting them is difficult enough, but effectively managing and mentoring them can be even harder (especially if they are more talented and clever than their superiors). Creative, overachieving people simply do not like to be led, but you can still bring out the best in them if you go about it the right way.
Here are some facts and suggestions about managing talent that can help you maximize high potential employees:
- Intelligent and creative people want recognition for their ideas. They are always coming up with better ways to do things, so lend them your ear!
- Top employees typically know their worth and are very aware of compensation that is attached to their role. Fancy titles are often not enticing to them, but status usually is.
- Most are politically savvy and have an indifference to bureaucracy.
- High potential talent is well-connected with a “knowledge” network that can increase their value to the corporation. This same network will constantly introduce new opportunities that will tease their interests.
- They are restless and easily bored. Clever people will need a peer group of talented and intelligent teammates to stimulate them to be their best!
- High potential players want instant access to their boss or above. Otherwise, they feel that their work and contributions are not being taken seriously.
- Don’t micromanage – top employees rarely say “thank you” to their leaders because they don’t want to be led. Try to stay away from their playing field and let them coach.
B&B has a proven track record for finding and placing top talent for our client companies. Many are sourced to "bear hug" the business and if managed properly, will make a meaningful impact on the company in record time.