Bohan and Bradstreet

Career Evolution

9/2/2022 by Bailey

This is a confusing economic period influenced by corporate competition, acquisitions & divestitures, leadership changes, supply chain challenges, dynamic shifts in technology and business models, virtual/hybrid, price increases, low unemployment, and it goes on. The challenge is that the business environment that you are employed is reacting, changing and trying to navigate current and future economics. Business is driven by cash, profits, assets, growth and people. The business is the sun, and you are a planet, moon, or spaceship orbiting the sun.

But let’s reverse think. Why should your career evolution and future be based on the sun that you are orbiting? What are you doing to create self-value and build your career? Here are a few suggestions:

  • Personal Values: What is most important to you and your family? Think about lifestyle, income, commute, community activity, and other factors.
  • Evaluate your skill set: Are you developing new skills that have value in future? To take on additional responsibility and/or role, what skills require further development and set up a plan to acquire those skills.
  • Personality: Each company and role are unique (i.e., intensity, travel, visibility, challenges). #1 reason for employment changes is that the individual’s soft skills either consciously or unconsciously do not align to the soft skills required by the role or employer. Evaluate your personality to align properly with your career goals and progression.
  • Build a Network: Out of sight, out of mind. Everyone needs mentors, influencers, references, and knowledge experts that should be contacted multiple times annually. Every year target and add to the network.
  • Making a Difference: There are two types of employees. One is more job focus (i.e., steady paycheck, benefits, job security, tactical in role). The other is career focused and need to constantly make a difference for their employer and add value to career progression. Lead or contribute on opportunities to drive best results (i.e., continuous improvement, cross functional initiatives). The more that you add the value, the higher the visibility.

Bottom line, become the center of your universe and control the future.