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Vicki Pallotto Celebrates 24 Years with B&B

Friday, April 5, 2019  by Bailey


Congratulations to Victoria M. Pallotto, CPC for celebrating 24 years with Bohan & Bradstreet this week! Vicki has seen it all in recruiting and continues to set the standard in exceptional consultancy services. She goes well beyond the resume with her candidates, getting to know them personally and enjoying being by their side during their career paths. Her clients have a unbreakable trust with Vicki developed over decades. We are so fortunate to have such a leader in her field on our team!

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B&B Ranks Up on Forbes Best List!

Monday, April 1, 2019  by Bailey

We are pleased to announce that for the second year, our firm has been recognized as one of the best in the country by Forbes!
Over 25,000 recruiters and 5,000 job candidates and human resources managers were surveyed to determine the Top 250 firms within each of the Executive and Professional categories. More than 17,000 nominations were collected and firms with the most recommendations ranked highest. Bohan & Bradstreet moved up from the top 100 in both categories to the top 75 for Professional Recruiting and to the top 50 for Executive Recruiting. 
We are grateful for the partnerships with our clients and the professional relationships with our candidates. Since, 1987 our team has strived to bring people together for long term success and it is appreciated to be recognized!
Full list of America’s Best Executive Recruiting Firms, click here.
Full list of America’s Best Professional Recruiting Firms, click here.

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Building Your Team for You

Monday, March 25, 2019  by Bailey


Do you:
1) Stay late at the office long after all your employers have gone home?
2) Spend your whole day responding to emails and sitting in meetings while the really important tasks get pushed aside?
3) Feel overwhelmed? 

We all wish there were more hours in the day but the reality is there is not. So as an employer you need to recognize the signs of building a strong team to support you, help you grow the business and the end result will be better quality of life and a thriving company. 

These are all signs that you are doing much but finding the right people can also be challenging and sharing the responsibilty. 

We know we have heard the good old, "If you want something done right, do it yourself.” In order to grow a business, enjoy life outside your business, you need the right people. 

Start by tracking your work day. See how long each task is taking you and write it down. Chances are once you see it on paper you can determine a role to handle those tasks for you. 

After taking a close look at your own productivity, it is time for you to get in touch with us at Bohan & Bradstreet. We can help you find those productivity pot holes and give you our expert advice so we can determine the best fit for your companies needs. 

We can help you look at the bigger picture so you can attain your long term company goals without being the one to have to do it all. Finding the right support for your company is essential in having your company grow and reach greater heights. 

Start building your amazing team! Get excited and make things happen. Contact Bohan & Bradstreet today!

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Keys to Success

Friday, March 22, 2019  by Bailey

What are the keys to success? The B&B team measures its success by the value added by our placed candidates to our client companies. The keys to achieving over 30 years of successful placements are the abilty to define company objectives, targeting a bulls-eye for the position, and sourcing only the highest level of talent for the job.

Here are 5 famous quotes regarding the many factors that contribute to success:


“Failure is the key to success; each mistake teaches us something.” -Morihei Ueshiba


“Focused, hard work is the real key to success. Keep your eyes on the goal, and just keep taking the next step towards completing it. If you aren't sure which way to do something, do it both ways and see which works better.” -John Carmack


“Before anything else, preparation is the key to success.”  -Alexander Graham Bell


“One important key to success is self-confidence.“ -Arthur Ashe


“The key to success is action, and the essential in action is perseverance.” -Sun Yat-sen

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Defining the Bull’s-Eye

Monday, March 18, 2019  by Bailey

For over 30 years, Bohan & Bradstreet (B&B) has been the external HR business partner to executives of emerging to mid-size businesses on the attraction of talent. Companies range from start-ups and family-owned companies to private equity funded and publicly-traded subsidiaries and acquisitions. We have seen it all including confidential replacements, additions, upgrades, promotions, change in operations, and newly created roles to growth and expansion.

The key is identifying the bull’s-eye for each search and that is a combination of hard and soft skills, business background, and critical differentials. B&B partners to define realistic expectations for all components including role responsibilities, short term goals, key soft skills, compensation, how to assess the candidate(s), and interviewing and selection process.

Once all parties are in agreement, the following happens:

  • CEO of privately-held manufacturer of engineered products hired a VP Operations in less than 4 weeks….B&B teamed to define role, opportunities for improvement, compensation, soft skills, requirements and preferences…..CEO interviewed one candidate, made offer, and had an acceptance  
  • Board of non-profit organization sought a new Managing Director to attract funding and expand operations and services….Board had never done this before….B&B partnered on role description, scorecard, compensation, soft skills, leadership style, key criteria, and pluses….Board interviewed three applicants, made an offer, and had an acceptance within 6 weeks
  • CFO of private-equity funded roll-up needed to add two senior level financial professionals, one for corporate accounting and treasury; the other for financial planning, analysis, and process improvements….no job descriptions existed….B&B defined role, goals, reporting structure, compensation, soft skills, and evaluation process….CFO interview two candidates and hired both within 4 weeks of initiating the searches
  • Owner of privately-held manufacturer of electro-mechanical products had a long term General Manager who was not meeting expectations….B&B teamed with owner and Board to identify all parameters, interviewing strategy, and search milestones to meet goals and expectations….owner interviewed three candidates, made an offer, and on-boarded new GM within 7 weeks.
  • Emerging biotechnology company was ready to start the commercialization phase and needed to hire a COO/CFO to raise additional capital and lead all business administration functions….B&B met with CEO and angel investors to define goals and requirements, create a compensation program, and define search deliverables….CEO interviewed three applicants and hired the 1st candidate within 5 weeks of starting the search.

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