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Friday, September 28, 2018
by julie

To find talented candidates that deliver, B&B delves deep into understanding the company structure and short/long term goals. B&B wants our candidates to have opportunities to succeed and also for our clients to achieve their goals with the talent acquisition. Therefore, our initial discussions can change the scope of the search. Here is an example:
SITUATION - The business model for a Connecticut OEM had shifted from a vertical manufacturer to more reliance on contract manufacturing and assembly operation with a more demanding supply chain element. Information systems and technology were underutilized and dated.
ACTIONS - The CEO and CFO initiated a call to B&B to potentially recruit a Project Manager to work for the IT Director. B&B led discussions with the executive team, including the IT Director, to best understand recent evolution, organization structure, business model, personnel, current processes, needs, challenges, and goals. The conversation was interactive, candid and open. The Company viewed IT as under producing rather than as a strategic resource to partner on business evolution. B&B was offered the exclusive to search for a Systems Manager and turned it down. B&B reached out to the CEO and made the recommendation that the biggest road block to success was the IT Director and if IT was to be a true business partner, then new leadership was required. After this conversation, we were retained to source a new IT Director.
RESULTS - B&B established a search process with milestones of delivery; identified and introduced four highly qualified candidates; and had a new IT Director aboard within 90 days. The end result is a more interactive IT function that is providing value-based intelligence to both internal and external customers, and active participants in the business planning process.

Friday, September 7, 2018
by julie

Companies are looking to hire in 3rd Quarter!
Here are just a few of our new searches B&B is currently managing:
Director, ERP Implementaion for a PE funded roll up. The company is global and a future IPO candidate. In USA, the company has completed 5 acquisitions in 2018 and expects to close on three more before year end. Expansion plans are in place to be responsible for the Americas and first acquisition in Canada was recently signed. Parent company wants to move to new ERP platform and this role will have an internal team and coordinate with external technical resources and IT for support. This role is accented on business applications (e.g. accounting, order management, inventory, customer support, business development). Job ID: 12689
Payroll Supervisor for an expanding business that has sustained growth and profitability has centralized all payroll and HRIS functions to Connecticut. This is a leading manufacturerwith worldwide and domestic operating locations seeks an energized payroll leader.The business is known for their commitment to both employees and customers. Job ID: 12685
Eastern Sales Manager for a $200M manufacturing subsidiary of a $5B+ NYSE global leader. The business is growing and profitable and will continue through expansion of global markets, new products, and prudent acquisitions! Job ID: 12670
Oracle Business Partner that will function as a center stage role supporting sales, marketing, manufacturing, supply chain, product development, finance and human resources. The multi-plant SBU has increased revenues and profitability consistently over last five years and is committed to staying in Connecticut. The company has reinvested into infrastructure with world class manufacturing, facilities expansion and new capital equipment. Job ID: 12680
Product Manager for a bank that has grown assets organically close to 50% in the last 5 years and is ahead of plan for 2018. They have retail banking, commerical baking, and wealth management lines of business. This is a progressiive, modern bank that is focused on digital capabilities and investment and they plan to roll out a large scale core banking and mobile banking conversion in 2019! Job ID: 12676
Chief of Staff for a national healthcare system with high profile programs and partnerships focused on best practices in primary care delivery. They are looking for an executive leader with the expertise to help drive the continued innovation, expansion and long-term success of the organization! Job ID: 12674

Friday, August 24, 2018
by julie

Unspoken Interviewing Image, body language and expressions are key messaging events during an interview on both the applicant and hiring authority side. The interview starts while you are waiting for the hiring authority. Receptionists are often asked about their observations. Be professional and exhibit a profile that portrays confidence and calmness.
First impressions are made within 3 minutes of the initial greeting. Three assessments happen quickly: You are measured on attire, posture and hand shake. Making a great entrance and first impression sets the stage. Body language is judged from head to toe. Attire should be conservative; cologne, perfume, jewelry and make-up should be minimized or nonexistent; hair must be well groomed; and shoes polished and stylish.
Whether sitting or standing, your posture projects a level of confidence and engagement in the conversation. If you slump, the interviewer will perceive a lack of confidence and interest. Sitting stiff as a rock implies nervousness and creates an uncomfortable situation for building rapport. Crossing your arms and legs may be interpreted as building a barrier. Sitting at the tip of the chair implies you don’t want to be there. Best sitting posture is straight and displaying your neck, chest and stomach area, a signal that you're open; leaning slightly forward at about a 10% angle sends the silent message that you are interested and involved; and adjusting at a slight angle and using arm movement is best way to emphasize talking points and show interest.
A handshake is an opportunity to establish rapport and positive chemistry. Practicing handshakes is suggested. Handshakes last about three seconds. Palms should be dry. Having an overly aggressive shake can be as offputting as the limp handshake. Never cover the other person's hand with the hand you're not shaking with because it will be interpreted as a sign of domination. Anticipate the handshake and make sure that if you are bringing anything to the interview, that your right hand remains available for the initial greeting and final good-by.
During the interview proper posture is important; proper eye contact and expressions are a differentiator. If the interviewer is talking, you want to be actively listening and that requires direct eye contact. Avoid staring aggressively by blinking at regular intervals and acknowledge comprehension or agreement by small nods. When speaking, hold eye contact for periods of about 10 seconds before looking away briefly and then re-establishing eye contact. Over-using direct eye contact when you are speaking can come across as challenging the interviewer. Smiling, occasional laughter, and showing enthusiasm portray positive qualities that can make a difference. Frowning, showing signs of boredom, or raising your eyebrows will help shorted the interviewing process and often lead to a quick exit.

Friday, August 10, 2018
by Bailey

A privately-held industry had organically tripled revenues over the past decade primarily due to expansion into additional market channels. The CEO had a tenured senior leadership team. The business model was at one time a vertical manufacturer and over the years had outsourced 90% of their machining to contract manufacturers. Over last six months profitability was down and revenues had flatlined due to challenges on meeting customer expectations and deliverability.
B&B met with the CEO. The original thought was to add on a Supply Chain Manager to report to the VP Manufacturing. The goal was to improve purchasing, order management, material deliverability from contract manufacturers, and better accountability to customers. OTD was declining. B&B had a detailed conversation on the business evolution, current business model, existing challenges, going forward strategy, and culture. In a very candid conversation B&B brought to the attention of the CEO that as the company had transitioned from a vertical manufacturer to primarily an assembly operation, the need for strength in leadership shifted from manufacturing to supply chain.
B&B looked at the organization chart and discussed the key employees and roles. The VP Manufacturing was underperforming and adverse to change. The manufacturing operation was being run by a manager that upside potential. B&B made the suggestion to promote the Assembly Manager to Manufacturing Director, eliminate the VP Manufacturing role, and create a VP Operations position that would be responsible for all order management, supply chain, and assembly operations.
B&B teamed with the CEO to define short and long term goals for the new role, create a search and evaluation process, and establish a fair and attractive compensation package. B&B evaluated 83 local candidates, presented a slate of four, collaborated on the interviewing process, and concluded the search from original conversation to acceptance in 39 days.

Friday, July 27, 2018
by Bailey

Recruiting can be like a puzzle. Finding the perfect person to fit into an existing team and culture while finding the right time for the candidate to take the next step in their career is the challenge. However, not all searches B&B manages have a clearly defined scope with an established void to be filled. Helping our clients define the needs of the company is the cornerstone of our consultative recruiting approach. B&B was approached by a global company with $300+ in annual revenue and multiple profit centers in Asia, Europe, and the Americas that was carved out of a global parent and purchased by private-equity. The finance department had been centralized at the global parent; the carve-out necessitated the creation of a finance department and organization structure. Our team partnered with CFO to create an organization structure, inclusive of roles/responsibilities, reporting structures, compensation structure, and job descriptions. What followed from our consultancy work was an exclusive engagement to find the Treasury Director, Tax Director, Corporate Controller, Corporate Accounting Manager, Compensation & Benefits Director, Financial Consolidation Manager, and 2 Financial Analysts. We are thankful for opportunities to partner with our clients which allows B&B to play a role in creating the puzzle and fitting the pieces.

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